Training successfully completed

As part of a joint dinner with the trainers and the management of FGB, the former trainees Linus Beck, Niklas Johannes, Luca Reinfelder and Vanessa Rohrbach were officially bid farewell and at the same time welcomed as new employees in the company.
Luca Reinfelder and Niklas Johannes are now taking up their jobs as industrial mechanics in assembly and engine construction, respectively. From now on, Linus Beck will commission and program machines as an IT specialist. All three have laid the foundation for a successful start to their careers as well as long-term employment at FGB through proper degrees.
Particularly noteworthy is Vanessa Rohrbach’s excellent graduation as an industrial clerk. Despite shortening the apprenticeship period, she achieved a remarkable examination result and was honored separately as the best in class (grade point average 1.1) at the graduation ceremony at the vocational school. Her trainer and management congratulated her on this great result.
The managing directors Michael and Thorsten Steinbach were pleased with the good results and thanked in particular the trainers, who continuously train the trainees of FGB at a high level with a lot of competence and great motivation and form them into responsible personalities. As a thank you and recognition for the achievements shown, the trainees received not only their certificates but also a top-up on their employee card.
By the managing directors Thorsten (1st from left) and Michael (5th from left) Steinbach as well as the training managers Marcus Rosshirt (2nd from right), Benjamin Süssner (3rd from right) and Frank Benkert (4th from left) were bid farewell from left: Niklas Johannes, Luca Reinfelder, Vannessa Rohrbach and Linus Beck.