Torque motors
In addition to linear drives, FGB specifically develops and produces rotative drive systems in the shape of torque motors. These are usually multi-pole electrical direct drives from the group of slow runners. Torque motors therefore often have a very high torque at relatively low speeds.
The FGB torque motors are designed as outer rotors (stator inside, Rotor=’Rotors’ outside) and as inner rotors (rotor inside, stator outside). This means that the design of the drive can be adapted optimally to the respective technical requirements.
To boost the performance of the direct drives, FGB develops cooling systems that are perfectly tuned to the motor and intervene precisely where the heat is created. These leads to higher efficiency and better performance. This is usually implemented by means of active fan or liquid cooling. Here, the company can fall back on extensive experience from various applications.
May we explain our standard torque motors in more detail or do you have special requirements that need to be fulfilled? We will be happy to address all your questions in detail! Just give us a call or send an e-mail!