Direct drives

Material optimisation

The motor optimisation is hugely important for developing the drive, because often, high technical requirements can only be fulfilled if the best materials for the respective application case are used. Here it is an advantage that FGB has extensive experience with the practical use of various materials and uses this know-how in a project-specific and targeted manner.

Material optimisation usually comprises the following aspects:

  • Review/analysis of the material previously used by the customer and any existing problems.
  • Review of requirements (e.g. Climatic fluctuations, vibrations, speeds etc.) and the resulting requirements for the material
  • Application-specific and selection of materials, components and parts
  • If necessary, customer-specific preliminary tests (e.g. In climate chambers) and validation/testing based on material samples/prototypes
  • If required, life cycle examinations of the material and the components used
  • Documentation and presentation of the results and insights and recommendation for optimum use of the materials

The steps shown ensure that the best suited materials and components are used depending on the respective application.

Any questions about the range of services described here? Just give us a call or send an e-mail! We will be happy to explain all activities to you in detail!


Benjamin Süssner

phone: +49 (0) 9771 68877-512