Line Cutting and Blasting System for Slide Bearing Rings
Task and Process
The machine described below serves to prepare slide bearing outer rings for assembly in a ball joint. Here, it is necessary to burst the outer ring longitudinally at one point in a controlled manner. In this way, the part can open as far as necessary to accept the ball and then close again.
The system is integrated into a fully automatic production line. The outer rings are fed to the system on a conveyor and then separated. A cross-transport cycles the parts through the individual processing stations.
This is where the outer ring is aligned and rotated so that the necessary notch is as far away as possible from the lubrication boreholes. The notch is then sanded at the next station.
The feed sliding unit is controlled by sensors and, after approaching the parts, can be switched from rapid movement to a creep speed. Also, the wear on the sanding disk is automatically compensated.
At the next station the outer ring is pinched by a pressing unit and then burst. The loud bang created is monitored by the structure-borne noise sensor. This makes it possible to identify incorrectly torn outer rings and to automatic eject them via a handling unit. The conforming parts leave the system via a discharge belt.
depending on the bearing type approx. 300 units/h.
Grinding time:
depending on bearing type approx. 6 sec.
Part variance:
approx. 50 types
Part weight:
< 4500 g
Outer diameter bearing:
75 – 160 mm
Width bearings:
25 – 80 mm
Tooling time:
< 10 min.
Technical availability:
> 96%