Test Rigs and Components

Torsion test bench 12 kNm with rotary actuator

Our rotary drive units have a standardised connection flange that is used to screw the test parts to the drives.

The drive units by FGB are equipped with corresponding decoupling and bearing constructions to prevent the transfer of parasitic loads into the rotary drives and their measuring devices for torque and rotary angle. The test pieces are screwed to the tooling plate with test piece-specific holding elements.

Typical application and ambient conditions

  • Execution of strength examinations of vehicle parts under mechanical load
  • Application of dynamic loads onto parts (real-time and synthetic signals, forces, paths, torques, rotary angles and frequencies, fully variable) in almost uninterrupted permanent operation to achieve high runtimes
  • Operation until fracture (static fracture tests)
  • Preconditioning of parts
  • Inclusion of characteristic curves
  • Testing of parts with (e.g. chassis springs) and without (e.g. rigid metallic parts) energy storage
  • Single or multi-axle tests, partially also with active components (separate energy supply, own control circuit, remaining bus simulation) on the test piece side
  • Variable add-ons, also with holding elements for test pieces and cylinders provided by the customer

± 12 kNm

58.8 Nm/bar

4013 cm³/rev.

250 bar

315 bar

2-200 min-1


Mario Wolf

phone: +49 (0) 9771 68877-580